
Couple Caught On Camera Copulating At Domino’s Counter May Face Jail Time

If your fantasy is to engage in all manner of sexual relations while waiting for your pizza order, just be aware that there may be repercussions for your public display of intimacy.

Last February, CCTV cameras at a UK Domino’s captured 18 minutes of one couple’s in-store erotic escapades. The two recently pleaded guilty to outraging public decency, but The Sun reports that they could still end up behind bars.

The magistrates at their trial last month watched the entire 18 minutes of footage, which shows them cavorting, romping, and otherwise getting it on while they wait for their order. Delivery personnel arrive and leave in the video, while kitchen workers appear to remain clueless as well.

Their attorney told the court that the incident happened after a night of drinking, and that while yes, they had sex in public, the acts weren’t all that “brazen.”

The couple will be sentenced today, with the chairwoman of the bench noting that a jail time won’t be ruled out.

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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