
List of computer science, software engineering and information science project Ideas

Project Title::
1-  Online Web Based Leave Management System And Attendance Management By Thumb Recognition Technique
Leave Management System uses Thumb recognition technique. Through this technique record of attendance is maintained and leave is also marked through this process.
It   gives different views to different employees depending upon their designation. Action of both the users are same except that the higher authority   employee and head are given some more functions.
LMS Eliminates paper  based  leave application forms

Project Title::
2-  Teacher Evaluation System
Teacher Evaluation System will Provide a mechanism Which Will evaluates the teacher based on their performance semester/Year wise. It will be based on some pre-defined multiple measures and multiple rating.  

Project Title::
1-  An Application For Stock Exchange Monitoring And Business Intelligent Forecasting
The application would be able to monitor the growth of business, real time statistics, stock exchange up and down values, past and current market trends of companies and will be able to make future business predictions as well based on current market trends. Such an application would be ideal for decision making for  the businessmen, and the  people who are  involved  in buying and selling in any way.

Project Title::
1-  Advance swift communication system(ASCS)
ASCS is an application which will provide fast and easy way of    communication with people  (i.e. students) vie SMS and E-mail service. Teacher or authority of institute can send alert regarding different things (like admission, interviews etc.). e.g. teacher can send  attendance, class related alerts, assignment, and  lectures etc.

System will send the following to students (Via SMS and Email).

·          Timetable alert, 10 minutes before commencing of class.
·          Course  content  covered within class.
·          Attendance status to the student on daily basis.
·          Exam date sheet.
·          Exam result.
·          Workshop / seminars alerts.
·          University opening / Closing information.
·          Alert of admission information to new comers.
·          Any curricular or extracurricular event alert.
·          Any urgent information from University admission.

Project Title::
2-  Data Synchronizer

Ø  An Android base application which synchronize the mobile data i.e. message, contacts and applications with the server. This will avoid data loss in case of mobile wash/Lost.

Ø  Data of  user  will synchronize with server.

Ø  User can simply get his data back when needed.

Ø  User  can access it data via web.

Project Title::
3- Socio travel
Android based vehicle sharing application for mobiles. People traveling to same destination can share their vehicles with
 Other using this application. Very useful in a country like Pakistan where people are facing CNG drought so vehicle sharing can help save some fuel. Also helpful for environment protection as well as people can meet people of their interest using this application.

Project Title::
1- Photo Blogger
Photoblogger is a Web as well as Android  phone  Application , which provides photosharing  and blogging at one place.                   It has following prominent features:

§  Photosharing
§  Blogging
§  YearBook (Optional /Time Constraint): has photos/blogs related to all the events that happened  in a year.
§  Live Feed:  A public  platform where all members can create posts  and  all users can view it.

Project Title::
2- IHE and HL7 enabled device integration framework
Medical Labs use different devices and chemistry analyzers to perform tests on blood and urine. These device need specific vendor based interfaces which implement vendor specific protocol for communication. The main problem for client is to implement all the interfaces for each heterogeneous devices. This lack of  integration causes  the development cost to increase. The solution to this problem is to provide a common interface that acts as a middleware to remove heterogeneity.

Project Title::
1- Geo Data Mapper.

Ø  Blue tooth  communication to GPS device to read GPS related Date from it.
Ø  Manage the points as point, polylin, polygon  Date.7
Ø  Associate Attribute date to these GIS Objects.
Ø  Associate images Either Captured at run time or already captured.
Ø  Save the data to KML file format.
Ø  One can also capture image through this application.
Ø  One can post this data to central server if GSM/GPRS Network is available.

Project Title::
2- Vision Based attendance management system.
In this project you will be prototyping a vision based class attendance system by employing state of the art face recognition algorithms. A digital video streaming camera would be installed in lecture room along with DSP processor and TCP/IP module. A video streaming would be produced at random time intervals to mark the consistency if students present in lecture hall. If a student is present in 3 out 4 scans his attendance would be marked. After each scan the DSP processor would recognize each face and compress the acquired video. Afterwards this compressed video would be sent to both servers. TCP/IP module would help in this networking. Active server would look after the AMS and backup server would keep record of all raw compressed videos. A network domain would also be formed to retrieve the data as per required by the user.

Project Title::
3- Android based inventory management system.
This system needs to be developed in Android OS, so that one can carry with him the inventory management system. This application will have all the necessary IN's and OUT's of the business, majorly dealing with sales and purchases. The challenge which will be faced by developers is the small screen size of the phone and displaying a complex data in a form that is most friendly to the user. This will include different charts and graphs showing the trends of the sales and purchase of the user.

Project Title::
4- Boutique system with 3d model for web and android.
BSFWA is an application for boutiques where dress designers and customer of a boutique can cloth a 3d model whose face will be like the face of user (or fashion model). Two app will be designed one for web and other for android. A database on website will maintain all dress’ data provided by the boutique company (owner of BSFWA). FSFWA Android application will use a web service to receive collection of dresses on website’s database. Face of user will be implanted on 3d model. Users can cloth 3d model and check it by animating the 3d model.  

Project Title::
5- Video analytics algorithm for summarization based surveillance system.
In this project you will be generating a brief video consisting of key events of your interests from the full recorded video of any scene. You can generate a brief summary video of 5 to 10 minutes from the recorded video of few hours or few days. You can save a lot of time if you want to look for a specific event from the recorded video of many hours rather than viewing full long video you would be able to view only short summary of significant events.
In this project you will be generating a brief video consisting of key events like goals scored during match from the full recorded video of soccer game.

Project Title::
6- Smart communicator
Smart communicator will be a mobile based application to facilitate messaging and mailng. This messaging module will be like a private
Cat room havilng contacts from our contact list. Like a teacher have to inform something to his students he will just create group and send message, this message will be sent online or offline through internet without any charges.
Mailing module will act as an outlook express type application to check and send the mail on an android based embedded system.

Project Title::
1- Implement messaging system.
·         Lay down window 2008 Active directory 2008 infracture  (client/server mode) on hyper v.
·         Implement multi tier Exchange server 2010 infrastructure on hyper v.
·         Implement Monitoring  System for Messaging Environment using System Center.

Project Title::
2- Digital Life.
“Digital life” for android is a feature-packed app that allows you to capture your ideas and experience in text, voice, images and location . From daily note taking utility to snapshorts  and recordings, all are enclosed in one software. The widgets make this app unique and highly customizable.

Future Works:
Augmented Reality

Project Title::
3- Ringtone Creator.
This project is about developing Ringtones creator app for Wp7 and Android. This app lets you fill in a text field and submit it to a web service . The text is used to generate a text to speech ringtone.

Project Title::
4- Real Homes.
It is a real estate web portal for Pakistan and middle east in which people can buy or sale lands houses, commercial building or offices or can get on rent. It is a layered architect  in web develop.

Project Title::
1- 3D game for multiple platforms.
Game a consists of 3 levels of different setting. First level takes place in the kitchen of a family’s home. Level 2 take place in tunnels of the subway , followed by the third and last level which take place on the streets of the big city. The storyline consist of a main character, a fly that is separated by  his family in central park by getting caught in a human’s family picnic basket.

Project Title::
1- Web integrated multiple testimonial platform.
The term ‘Multiple testimonials’ refers to testimonials containing multimedia content like audio, video etc apart from text. Present day websites offers only textual comments. We can check a blog or watch a YouTube  video with textual comments  following it. In our finals year project, we intend to build a client server application  for multiple testimonials. These testimonials are managed at the server and any web application can get the multiple testimonial service through the server.

Project Title::
2- Remote PC Administration using Android
The purpose of this project is to provide the mobile users a that facilitates them to access their remote PC’s.  The basic idea behind the project is to bridge the communication gap between mobile users and the PC’s. this type of service enhances the capabilities and features of mobile devices.
It is divided into two modules
1.      Read, Write, Execute, Logoff, Shutdown, Restart options.
2.      File system sharing on your computer which is on internet and let user to download the required files using mobile phone.

Project Title::
3- A Web based application for vehicles sales, purchase and inventory management.
A website where people can buy and sell stuff about bikes, cars and commercial vehicles. An efficient search facility will be provided to visitors to find things of their interest . Their will be a CMS designed for the administrator  (s) of website.

Project Title::
1- Data hiding in images (Steganography).
Steganography  is by practice of hiding private or sensitive  file within an image life.

The project has two methods.
Ø Encryption
Ø  Decryption
It is a desktop application in which user can hide text  files within an image. Upon request image can be decrypted and the text file can be viewed.

Project Title::
1- Shortest path computation algorithm
In it the student will develop and implement the Algorithm to compute the shortest Path based on GEO Information of source and destination and will guide through all the way

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