
40 powerful productivity quotes from highly successful people.

Start by doing what’s necessary;
then do what’s possible; and
suddenly you are doing the
impossible. – Francis Of Assisi

Start with good people, lay out
the rules, communicate with
your employees, motivate them
and reward them. If you do all
those things effectively, you
can’t miss. – Lee Iacocca

All things will be produced in
superior quantity and quality,
and with greater ease, when
each man works at a single
occupation, in accordance with
his natural gifts, and at the
right moment, without meddling
with anything else.

The way to get started is to quit
talking and begin doing. – Walt
Your work is going to fill a large
part of your life, and the only
way to be truly satisfied is to do
what you believe is great work.
And the only way to do great
work is to love what you do. If
you haven’t found it yet, keep
looking. Don’t settle. As with all
matters of the heart, you’ll
know when you find it. – Steve
People often remark that I’m
pretty lucky. Luck is only
important in so far as getting
the change to sell yourself at
the right moment. After that,
you’ve got to have talent and
know how to use it. – Frank
Real integrity is doing the right
thing, knowing that nobody’s
going to know whether you did
it or not. – Oprah Winfrey
Infinite striving to be the best is
man’s duty; It is its own
reward. Everything else is in
god’s hands.
It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s
just that I stay with problems
longer. – Albert Einstein
You were born to win, but to be
a winner, you must plan to win,
prepare to win, and expect to
win. – Zig Ziglar
Sometimes, things may not go
your way, but the effort should
be there every single night. –
Michael Jordan
Believe in yourself! Have faith
in your abilities! Without a
humble but reasonable
confidence in your own powers
you cannot be successful or
happy. – Norman Vincent Peale
How poor are they that have
not patience! What wound did
ever heal but by degrees? –
William Shakespeare
The only thing to do with good
advice is to pass it on. It is
never of any use to oneself. –
Oscar Wilde
He who is not courageous
enough to take risks will
accomplish nothing in life. –
Muhammad Ali
Plans are nothing; planning is
everything. - Dwight D.
There are risks and costs to
action. But they are far less
than the long range risks of
comfortable inaction. - John F.
If you’re going through hell,
keep going. - Winston Churchill
It is better to keep your mouth
closed and let people think you
are a fool than to open it and
remove all doubt. - Mark Twain
You can have everything in life
you want, if you will just help
other people get what they
want. - Zig Ziglar
Learning never exhausts the
mind. - Leonardo da Vinci
Good leadership consists of
showing average people how to
do the work of superior people.
- John D. Rockefeller
Our incomes are like our shoes;
if too small, they gall and pinch
us; but if too large, they cause
us to stumble and to trip. - John
Love and work are the
cornerstones of our humanness.
- Sigmund Freud
Rule No.1: Never lose money.
Rule No.2: Never forget rule
No.1. - Warren Buffett
Obstacles are those frightful
things you see when you take
your eyes off your goal. - Henry
Gentleness doesn’t get work
done unless you happen to be a
hen laying eggs. - Coco Chanel
Never neglect details. When
everyone’s mind is dulled or
distracted the leader must be
doubly vigilant. - Colin Powell
Advocates of capitalism are very
apt to appeal to the sacred
principles of liberty, which are
embodied in one maxim: The
fortunate must not be
restrained in the exercise of
tyranny over the unfortunate. -
Bertrand Russell
He who wishes to be rich in a
day will be hanged in a year. -
Leonardo da Vinci
Remember that failure is an
event, not a person. – Zig Ziglar
Confidence… thrives on
honesty, on honhonor, on the
sacredness of obligations, on
faithful protection and on
unselfish performance. Without
them it cannot live. – Franklin
D. Roosevelt
Discussion is an exchange of
knowledge an argument an
exchange of ignorance. – Robert
Maintain your car, home, and
other personal belongings you
rely on.
Luck is not chance, it’s toil;
Fortune’s expensive smile is
earned. – Emily Dickinson
Work gives you meaning and
purpose and life is empty
without it. – Stephen hawking
Computers are useless. They can
only give you answers. – Pablo
The best minds are not in
government. If any were,
business would steal them
away. – Ronald Reagan
When you combine ignorance
and leverage, you get some
pretty interesting results. -
Warren Buffett
Tomorrow is the most
important thing in life. Comes
into us at midnight very clean.
It’s perfect when it arrives and
it puts itself in our hands. It
hopes we’ve learned something
from yesterday. – John Wayne

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